10 tips for a successful employee anniversary

10 tips for a successful employee anniversary

Motivated employees and their personal commitment are the cornerstone of every successful company. It is therefore important that employees feel valued and respected. If these points are met, employees not only stay longer in the company, but also perform considerably better. If this appreciation has an effect on the entire workforce, a really positive working atmosphere will prevail. An employee anniversary, also known as a service anniversary, can help to openly show this appreciation and respect and to thank the employee in particular for their many years of loyalty and cooperation.

Employees and their personal needs

Today’s generation of skilled workers has its own ideas of what makes a good employer. For them, career opportunities and pay are not the only decisive reasons for staying with a company for a long time. For most people today, a positive working atmosphere, respect and appreciation of work performance are important factors for long-term loyalty to a company or business. This makes it all the more important for the company / business that employees receive appropriate recognition when they make their work available for such long periods of time.  

Congratulations and accompanying gifts for an employee anniversary

A wet handshake and the obligatory “thank you” are not enough to seriously honor an employee on their anniversary. Specialists who are sought after everywhere pay very close attention to how the company/enterprise appreciates and treats its employees. There are many different things that can be presented to the employee.

The following are tips and suggestions for accompanying gifts for an employee anniversary


Certificates, especially for a higher employee anniversary, are a good idea and a nice, decorative idea for the employee. High-quality certificate paper should be used and an attractive design should be emphasized. Also framed and behind glass.

Greeting card

The obligatory congratulatory card is already expected by employees on an anniversary. However, unlike the standardized greeting cards for New Year’s Eve and Christmas, the greeting cards for an employee anniversary should be individual and adapted to the anniversary. There are no limits to the design. Greeting cards can be signed by the entire workforce or even developed and sent digitally.

Gratuity / bonus payment

Everyone likes to see additional and bonus payments in their account. This is all the more practical for employees, as they can decide for themselves what to do with the extra money. Perhaps long-cherished wishes will finally be realized or a relaxing vacation enjoyed


For a major employee anniversary of 10, 20 or even 30 years, a celebration on a large or small scale can be chosen. In this way, the employee is at the center of his or her anniversary and can be appropriately rewarded and recognized for his or her loyalty to the employer

Special leave

Special leave can be granted in addition to the other accompanying gifts for a major employee anniversary. The duration can be decided depending on the size of the company.


Small gifts attached to the certificate and congratulatory card make an employee anniversary even more special. But caution is advised here. They should not be standard gifts that are already given to employees at Christmas and other celebrations. The gift should be individual and within budget.

What do other companies give as employee anniversary gifts?

There are many different types of gifts that companies give their employees on their anniversary. Some examples are:

  1. Extra vacation days: Some companies give their employees extra vacation days to recognize their achievements and give them the opportunity to relax.
  2. Bonus payments: Some companies pay their employees extra money as a bonus to recognize their performance.
  3. Gift vouchers: Gift vouchers for restaurants, shopping centers or travel companies are a popular choice.
  4. Bonuses: Some companies give their employees bonuses, such as a new electronic device, a watch or a piece of jewelry.
  5. Experience gifts: Experience gifts such as a wellness weekend, a weekend in a luxury hotel or a balloon ride are a special choice.
  6. Personalized gifts: Personalized gifts such as a photo book with memories of the time spent together, an engraving on a gift or a certificate for an employee anniversary are a personal choice.

It is important to note that every company and every employee is different, and the gift should be customized accordingly.

Employee anniversaries in large and small companies

In small businesses and companies, it is easier to keep track of your employees. But how do large companies determine employee anniversaries and how are they organized? Dedicated, established employee relations management (mainly administrative) can help to keep track and give every employee in large companies the feeling that everyone is treated equally and rewarded for their loyalty.

Here are a few tips and suggestions for organizing an employee anniversary

Define time periods for the anniversary

Which anniversaries are actually celebrated? There should be a uniform definition of the period in which employees are recognized. In most cases, 5-year periods are considered for an anniversary. For an employee, this would mean that they are recognized and honored by their employer over a period of 5-10-15-20-25-30-35 years. One usually speaks of a major anniversary in intervals of ten. In other words, the 10-20-30-40 years that an employee has been with the company.

Determine who is responsible

A responsible person, usually from the HR or specialist department, is tasked with carrying out the employee anniversary and the organization behind the processes. This person not only keeps track of the employees’ years of service, but is also responsible for organizing the celebrations, congratulations and gifts from the company. All within the previously agreed budget, of course.

Budget for the anniversary

What budget should be spent on an employee anniversary? Which congratulations or certificates should be presented? Will there be small gifts or even a bonus payment? These things should be clarified and discussed in advance. Adherence to the budget is important to ensure that all employees are treated equally. However, despite all the clear guidelines for gifts and procedures for an employee anniversary, it should not be forgotten to personalize the anniversary. Otherwise, employees quickly feel “like they are being processed on an assembly line”.

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