5 tips for a successful farewell to a colleague

5 tips for a successful farewell to a colleague

Saying goodbye is always difficult, especially when a dear colleague leaves the team. Whether he or she is retiring, taking on a new professional challenge or planning an extended trip, it’s important to celebrate this moment properly. But how can you ensure that the farewell is memorable and makes the colleague feel valued? Here are five tips to help you organize a successful farewell.

1. design a joint digital farewell card

In an increasingly digital world, designing a digital farewell card is not only practical but also personal

The advantage: everyone in the team can add their own words and wishes without the card having to be passed from table to table. This turns the card into a joint project that underlines the collegiality and cohesion within the team.

Try to create the card with a suitable design and maybe even some inside jokes or photos of your colleague. This gives the card a personal touch and reminds your colleague, even after their time with you, of the many wonderful moments you shared together. A well-thought-out digital card can be just as emotionally touching as a handwritten one – and it will stay in the colleague’s memory long after the farewell.

With Teamkarte, you can create a digital farewell card on which every colleague can leave a personal greeting – including a picture or a suitable animation. This will create an individual and unique farewell that will be remembered for a long time to come.

2. present a personal gift

A personalized farewell gift shows that you have thought about your colleague and know them well.

It’s a good idea to collect some money in advance, either via PayPal or in cash. This will give you a clear overview of how much budget you have available. Instead of setting a fixed amount, it’s best to give everyone the freedom to contribute as much as they want.

A gift doesn’t have to be big or expensive. It is much more important that the gift suits the person receiving it. Maybe it’s a book they’ve wanted to read for a long time, or a small plant for their new office. Personalized gifts, such as a T-shirt with an inside joke or a printed mug, are also well received.

What does your colleague like to do in their free time? It is often a good idea to give a gift voucher for a suitable store or activity. A voucher is particularly suitable for redeeming the money collected as accurately as possible.

3. organize a farewell party

A farewell is the perfect occasion to get together and reflect on the time spent with a colleague. It doesn’t have to be a big or elaborate farewell party, it’s more about the atmosphere and the people. You could plan a small celebration in the office, with snacks and drinks, or organize a lunch together at a colleague’s favourite restaurant.

If you prefer something a little more unusual, you can also choose a theme that suits your colleague or organize a surprise party. Games and activities that reflect the shared experiences and highlights of working together make for a lot of fun and reminiscing. The party should reflect the colleague’s tastes and preferences so that they feel truly appreciated and valued.

Please note, however, that not everyone likes to be the center of attention. With such a person, the farewell should be celebrated in a small circle.

4. undertake an activity together

Sometimes a joint activity is worth a thousand words. Think about what activities your colleague particularly likes and plan an outing or activity together that they will particularly enjoy. This could be an escape room, a hike or a cooking class together – as long as it’s something that your colleague enjoys and strengthens the bond within the team.

Such activities not only create lasting memories, but also give you the opportunity to say goodbye to your colleague in a relaxed atmosphere. For someone who prefers to remain in the background, it is better to celebrate the farewell in a smaller circle.

5. have a personal conversation to say goodbye

Farewell words should not only be said in a large group. Take the time for a personal conversation with your colleague in which you can express your appreciation once again in peace. This can be done at your desk, over a coffee or on a walk together.

In this conversation, you have the opportunity to reflect on the collaboration, thank them for their time together and wish them all the best for the future. Perhaps there are also a few tips or pieces of advice that you would like to pass on to your colleague. This personal conversation shows that you are taking the farewell seriously and that the relationship with your colleague is important to you.


Saying goodbye to a colleague is always an emotional moment that needs to be handled well. With a digital farewell card, a personal gift, a suitable celebration, a joint activity and a personal conversation, you can ensure that the farewell is remembered fondly not only by the colleague, but also by the entire team. It’s the small gestures of appreciation that show how much the person is valued – and that’s what counts. Plan the farewell well and make it a special moment that will be remembered for a long time.

Do you have any other tips for a great farewell to a colleague? Feel free to write them in the comments 😊

FAQ Abschiedskarte

Eine Teamkarte ist eine digitale Grußkarte auf der mehrere Personen eine persönliche Nachricht hinterlassen können. Um diesen Nachrichten eine persönliche Note zu verleihen, können diese um eigene Bilder oder animierte GIFs ergänzt werden.

In einer zunehmend digitalisierten Welt können so besondere Anlässe geehrt werden.

Digitale Abschiedskarten bieten zahlreiche Vorteile gegenüber traditionellen Papierkarten. Hier sind einige der wichtigsten:

  1. Einfacher Zugang und Verteilung:
    • Eine digitale Karte kann problemlos per E-Mail oder über einen Link verteilt werden, wodurch der Aufwand des physischen Herumreichens entfällt.
  2. Ortsunabhängigkeit:
    • Kollegen können von überall auf der Welt teilnehmen, unabhängig von ihrem aktuellen Standort oder ihrer Zeitzone.
  3. Zeitersparnis:
    • Das Sammeln von Unterschriften und Nachrichten geht schneller, da alles online geschieht und sofort verfügbar ist.
  4. Kreative Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten:
    • Digitale Karten bieten Platz für Text, Bilder, Videos, GIFs und andere Multimedia-Elemente, die auf einer Papierkarte nicht möglich sind.
  5. Nachhaltigkeit:
    • Durch die Nutzung digitaler Karten wird Papier gespart, was umweltfreundlicher ist.
  6. Schnelle Bearbeitung und Änderungen:
    • Beiträge können leicht bearbeitet oder geändert werden, ohne dass eine neue Karte begonnen werden muss.

Mögliche Zahlarten sind Paypal, Kreditkarte, Apple-Pay sowie Google-Pay und Klarna SOFORT (ehem. Sofortüberweisung).
Für Firmen welche ein größeres Kontingent abnehmen sind auch Lastschrift oder Kauf auf Rechnung möglich.

Nachdem Du eine Teamkarte erstellt hast, erhältst Du eine Mail mit einem Link, den du gerne an alle Personen weitergeben kannst, welche eine persönliche Nachricht hinterlassen sollen. Zudem gibt es im Adminbereich ebenfalls die Möglichkeit, den Link per Knopfdruck zu kopieren.

Beim Schreiben einer Abschiedskarte solltest du darauf achten, dass deine Nachricht persönlich und authentisch wirkt. Beginne mit einem herzlichen Dank für die geleistete Arbeit und die gemeinsamen Erlebnisse. Drücke deine besten Wünsche für die Zukunft aus und erwähne gegebenenfalls besondere Erinnerungen oder Eigenschaften des Kollegen, die du schätzt. Halte den Ton positiv , um dem Kollegen zu zeigen, dass er geschätzt wurde. Vermeide negative Bemerkungen und achte darauf, dass die Nachricht respektvoll und aufrichtig ist. Zum Abschuss wünsche noch viel Erfolg für den neuen Job.

Hier findest Du weitere Tipps und konkrete Beispiel Texte zum Abschied eines Kollegen.

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