Gifts for colleagues: How much money is appropriate?

Gifts for colleagues: How much money is appropriate?

How much money do you give for a gift from a colleague?

We’ve all been there: a colleague has a birthday, is saying goodbye or getting married, and the question arises – what should we get them? And more importantly, how much money should you spend? Finding the right amount can sometimes be a challenge, especially if you don’t want to give too much, but also not too little. In this article, I’ll give you a few practical tips so that you don’t break a sweat the next time you’re collecting for a colleague’s gift.

When do you give a gift?

Before we get into the question of how much money you should give, let’s take a look at the situations in which gifts are common among colleagues. The most common occasions for collecting in an office or team are:

  • Birthdays
  • Farewells (e.g. when changing jobs or retiring)
  • Weddings and other family milestones (e.g. birth of a child)
  • Promotions or professional successes

Each of these situations has its own character, and the amount may vary depending on the occasion.

Birthdays – the classic in the office

Birthdays are probably the most common occasion for a small gift in the office. Most of us celebrate our birthdays not only with family but also with colleagues. If someone invites you or there is a fundraising campaign for a birthday present, the question often arises: How much is appropriate?

The following applies here: Birthday presents in the office should remain rather modest. Nobody expects you to dig deep into your pockets. Typically, an amount between 5 and 10 euros is given, depending on how close you are to the person. If it’s a close colleague or you’re good friends, it can be a little more. But on the whole, contributions for birthday gifts should remain small and manageable. After all, birthdays are celebrated several times a year in a larger office.

Farewells – an emotional moment

When a colleague leaves the company, either because of a job change or because he or she is retiring, it is a special moment. The gift can be a little more generous, especially if the person has been with the company for a long time.

Here, too, you can aim for a sum of between 5 and 20 euros. Of course, it also depends on how well you know the person and how big the fundraising campaign is. In some cases, a farewell is celebrated in a big way, perhaps there is even a party. In such cases, 20 euros is perfectly fine. However, if you have hardly had any contact with the person, 5 euros is enough. In the end, the gift should express your thanks and appreciation for the time you spent together without overstretching yourself financially.

Weddings and other major life events

Weddings, births or similar private milestones are a wonderful opportunity to congratulate a colleague and make them happy. These occasions are emotional and of great importance to the person concerned, which is why the gifts can usually be a little more lavish.

Here you can expect to give between 10 and 30 euros, depending on how close a friend you are with the person and how many colleagues are involved in the collection. The larger the group, the less you have to give, as the overall result will still be impressive. If it’s a small group or even a personal gift, you can invest a little more.

Important: If you have very close friends in the office, you can go over 30 euros, but only if you really want to and your budget allows it.

Promotions and professional successes

If a colleague receives a promotion or reaches another professional milestone, this can also be a reason to celebrate. Gifts in such cases are usually symbolic in nature – a bouquet of flowers, a bottle of sparkling wine or a voucher, for example. You don’t have to spend too much money here.

An amount between 2 and 10 euros is completely sufficient here, as it is often a spontaneous and rather formal gesture. Sometimes the amount is set by the department or the boss and you can adjust accordingly.

How the fundraising works

Collecting money for a gift is primarily an organizational task that is usually taken on by one person in the team – often the “team organizer” or the person who is best friends with the person celebrating. Here are a few tips on how to make collecting stress-free:

1 Who has the overview? It is important that one person feels responsible and organizes the collection of contributions. This person should also organize the gift.

2. inform early on: Let the team know early enough that there will be a collection so that everyone is aware and can prepare financially. Many people tend to forget.

3. use online tools: In times of online banking and apps such as PayPal or MoneyPool, it is easier than ever to collect money without having to move cash around the office. This makes organization much easier, especially for larger teams or remote work.

4 Who decides on the gift? The gift should be decided jointly by the group. Depending on the occasion, it may make sense to agree on what to buy beforehand – this way you can be sure that the gift will suit the person’s taste.

5. sign the card: To record who has contributed to the gift, everyone involved should sign a joint greeting card.
Tip: We recommend a digital greeting card where everyone can leave personal words and a picture

How much is appropriate?

The rule of thumb is: the closer you are to the person, the more you can give. For colleagues who are further away, a smaller amount will suffice, while a little more is expected for close friends and important occasions. On average, you can use the following amounts as a guide:

Birthday: 5-10 Euro

Farewell: 5-20 Euro

Wedding/Birth: 10-30 Euro

Transportation: 2-10 Euro

Of course, these amounts are only guidelines. Occasionally people only give 2 euros. If you work in a small team or it’s a particularly important event, the amounts can vary. Ultimately, the gift should be a token of your appreciation – not a financial burden.


Giving gifts in the office is a gesture of appreciation that is not about the amount, but about participating and showing that you are thinking of your colleague. In most cases, the amounts mentioned are the right ones and prevent you from giving too much or too little. The most important thing is that you feel comfortable with the amount and don’t want to outdo anyone. Giving gifts should be fun – and that also applies to office gifts!

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